Create account:

  1. To create your account (register) click on the ‘Sign in | Create Account‘ button (at top of page) and complete the required fields.

Select Weekly or Flexible service plan (required):

  1. Click on any Book Now button. You’ll be taken to the Shop page, where you’ll see the different services and products you can purchase.
  2. Select a Weekly Plan or Flexible Plan.
  3. Then select a pick up date, any customization needs (optional), and a recurring payment schedule (only applies to Weekly Plan).

Fill up your Launder bag for pick up:

  1. Round up your general laundry, and put it in your Launder bag.
  2. Add-ons (excluding add-ons that are included as part of a Weekly Plan swap option) should be secured in their own bags (doesn’t have to be a Laundry Online® bag.  If you don’t have a bag, we carry spare bags we can use.
  3. Have your Launder bag and any Add-ons ready for pick up on your scheduled day.
  4. Get your laundry back, freshly cleaned and neatly folded, ready for using again.